Writing into parenthood…

By Amy Bird

Every parent knows that parenthood is a journey. I hope soon to make that journey; as I write this, I am five months pregnant. The characters in my new novel Hide and Seek also have to make that journey. It is not a roman à clef; I didn’t know when I conceived the idea for the book that I was pregnant. But as I wrote, exploring my characters’ approaches to fatherhood and motherhood, I became conscious that I would (all being well) soon be a mother. I thought about that role – what I would want to be, what I would not want to be, and how to achieve that.


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D-I-Y Party Fun: The literary bespoke cocktail

By Amy Bird

So you’re having a party. You want a centrepiece, something to make your party special and unique, and to give tongue-tied new acquaintances something to chat about. A cake? Maybe, but you need significant frosting skills or cash for a truly impressive one. An ice-sculpture? Ditto. Bespoke cocktails? Now we’re talking.

A very chic party.

A very chic party.

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